Dr. V. Uma Maheswara Rao

Dr. V. Uma Maheswara Rao
Department of : Botany and Microbiology
ANU college of Sciences

M.Sc., Ph.D., PGCCS


Title of Thesis: "A Study of the effects of Vesicular-arbuscular Mycorrhizal fungi on two grain legumes."
University from which PhDs awarded:Acharya Nagarjuna University
Awarded Year:1994

.Professional Career:

Teaching Experience:30 years
Administrative Experience:06 years
Research Experience:37 years

Research Students Information (Awarded):

Guided Successfully:



Presently Guided:


Professional Achievements:

1. Judge: for Divisional level Inspire Exhibition held at Care E.M.High School, P.V.Palem during 5 th to 7th , December, 2013 conducted by Directorate of Science and Technology, India
2. Referee to Journals: Iranian journal of Microbiology, African Journal of Microbiology Research, Journal of Petroleum and Gas Engineering, International Research Journal of Plant Sciences, International Research Journal of Agricultural Science, African Journal of Biotechnology, The Natural Products Journal, International Research Journal of Microbiology, Microbiology Research Journal, Journal of Microbiology and Antimicrobials.
3. Merit certificate and 2 nd prize in 2016 and 2017 from ANU for Best Research Paper Publication in Best National Journals.
4. In Microbiology Training Programme for Degree College Lecturers conducted in January, 1996 by the Dept. of Botany and Microbiology, Nagarjuna University.
5. In Orientation Programme for A.P. Residential Junior College Lectures conducted in July/August, 1997 by the Dept. of Botany and Microbiology, Nagarjuna University.
6. in Training Programme for Lecturers of Government aided and unaided Degree College in Genetics/Biotechnology organized jointly by Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education (APSCHE) and Commission of Collegiate Education (CCE) at J.K.C. College, Guntur during September, 2000.

No. of books published:

Books: 06
Book Chapters: 32

No. of research articles published/presented since the inception:

No of journals published :


Conferences :


Details Major/Minor Research Projects held/holding :-

Title and Sanction Order Particulars Date of Project Sanctioned Major/Minor and Funding Agency Amount in Lakhs
“Screening and Characterization of antibacterial bioactive principle from mangrove plants of Andhra Pradesh”. F.No. 39-189/2010(SR) dt. 27.12.2010; Period : From 1-2- 2011 to 31-01-2014 27.12.2010 Major -- UGC Rs. 11,65,800/-

International patent (Australia); A. Ch. Pradyutha and V. Umamaheswara Rao; Patent No. 2020103945; Date of patent grant: 3rd February, 2021.

Professional Memberships:

Editorial member for - Asian Journal of Bioscience (Life member) - American Journal of Marine Science
Associate Fellow - Andhra Pradesh Akademi of Sciences

Academic Council/ BOS/Other Committee Members:

1. Member, PG BoS in Botany and Microbiology, Acharya Nagarjuna University (since 2006 to till the date).
 Chairman, PG BoS in Botany and Microbiology, Acharya Nagarjuna University (for 2 years).
2. Subject Expert Member, Board of Studies in Microbiology, Andhra Loyola College (Autonomous), Vijayawada, A.P.
3. External Member, PG Board of Studies in Microbiology, Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa, A.P.
4. Expert Member, Board of Studies in Botany, KBN College (Autonomous), Vijayawada, A.P.
5. Committee member in Andhra Pradesh Government sanctioned Project to study the impact of Sand Mining in river Krishna.
6. Committee member in Foundation day and also College day celebrations of Acharya Nagarjuna University

Specific Area of Research:
1. Plant-microbe interaction.
2. Screening isolation and identification of Bioachieve metabolites from plant and Microbial Sources.

  • Dr. V. Uma Maheswara Rao
    Department of Botany And Microbiology
    ANU College of Sciences.
    Acharya Nagarjuna University
    Nagarjuna Nagar, Guntur, A.P., India.
    Zip/Pin Code: 522510

  • Off: 0863 2346 116
    Cell: 9440650120

  • umrvanga@gmail.com